... such a bird brain?!?!?! nearly, almost computer illiterate! can't remember what I have been told on how to do things! I write them down and then can't read my own hand writing LOL. Do you think those men in white coats are coming for me? You know the ones who have those sort of white shirts with extra long sleeves that sort of tie up in your back area?!?!? like you are hugging yourself? and they call you 'Dear'? and then I have to contend with Dottie's antics! Check out Chriss and Jaqi's blogs for the latest on what this lassie has been up to. When this week is up, I think Jaqi is going to take a serious dose of Valium or Vacation.
Jaqi, I have to say, thank you so much, for keeping us entertained and up to date on Dottie's experiences. You are a wonderful hostess!
Warm hugs to all from a chilly and wet South Africa
HELLO Denise just popping over to se what you have been upto brfore i pop off to bed for an early night..well early for me.
bird brain you are not misses.
Yes must agree Jaqi is a fab hostess and the entertainment is 1st class.
Sam has something in store for Dottie on Friday....Mmm wonder what it is.
Hope you are well.. you have been quiet of late.
take care
chriss x
Hi Denise....Thanks so much for your thoughtful wishes! We arrived home from the hospital today and my son is doing well! So relieved we are on the other side of the whole thing! Hope you have a wondefrfl rest of the week!
Take Good Care
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