I never knew that I could get bronchitis and ‘flu by reading fellow bloggers blogs, who were inflicted. This new technology is actually ‘deadly’
So, before my face ex/implodes again (sneezes) this is what I managed in the vast creative field. Pretty pathetic, but it’s hard to read the challenges when said face explodes in sneezes, tissues and tears obscure vision, connection between brain and fingers short circuit and pet dog emits deadly gases, loudly, so much so that he awakes himself. Thank goodness my nasal passages are blocked and so do not allow offensive smells to invade.

That's Life I Guess and sooooo .....
Take care and keep well.
Keep warm in the South and keep cool in the North. I won’t laugh and say the situation will soon be reversed. We need Winter to appreciate the new beginning of Spring.
Hugs and love and thanks for visiting and leaving bits of YOU
Well hello there!!!! and oh how I've missed your musings :):) I'm back now and finding time to catch up with my cyber friends. - What a stunning piece you have created for the Lotstodo Challenge Denise - thank you.
Speak soon
x Hilda
Great card Denise!
Denise this is beautiful. I really adore this, the colour the image and the whole thing just is stunning
hugs June x
i simply love this........wow....devine.....has it got my name on it? hehehe Jaqi xx
Uh Oh. My fault maybe that you're a sicko. I'll be more careful in the future. Say, Denise, if this is what you do when you are not feeling 100 percent... none of the rest of us stand a chance. Lovely mysterious lady. Looks like a Mata Hari type. And I love the colour!
Feel better.
Candace in Athens x
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