……. been playing with Chriss’s bleach idea!! Oh what fun! I didn’t have white glossy cardstock so used a piece of silver for Dreamer and I used photographic paper for Tea Time. That was interesting because the ink dried soooo fast. I used a bath sponge for the backgrounds. Thanks for the idea, Chriss.
And then I tried ordinary white cardstock and kiddies el-cheapo water colours and stamped the background using a piece of string wrapped round a container.
So, as you can see I have been very ‘busy’ playing and loved every minute. Now all I need is for the builders to get finished so that I am not interrupted when I am ‘busy’ LOL A bit of background – we’re building two granny flats, one for my Mom (80 yrs) and one for DH’s Aunt (76 yrs) The flats are about 110 sq metres each. The buildings went up quickly but those finishing touches are taking forever! In all honesty we cannot complain. We had heard such horror stories from people who have had renovations done and/or building done that we were a tad nervous but the guys and gals we had were great. Yes, we did have mishaps, like them hitting a water pipe twice (not a problem, we have borehole water for the garden) and the electricity cable once (couple of hours without electricity, no problem if you live in SA and have suffered load-shedding) and the plumber connected the cold and hot water pipes the wrong way round. All said and done, we got off lightly. The gas cookers need to be installed and then I think we’re good to go! Correction, the old dears are clear to move in!
My header was made by ME! I used a piece of drawer liner paper as the background and bits and pieces from my stash, scanned it and then sent a Distress Call to Jessie who kindly came over to hold my hand. Thanks again Jessie, you’re a star.
Thank you to all for your kind, warm and welcoming comments. I do so appreciate it.
P.S. I so DID NOT want this post to look like this!!! Still learning!
Hi Denise,
I love your blog (the header is gorgeous). Gorgeous bleach ATC's too - they do get rather addictive don't they. Can't wait to see loads more of your work.
xx Karen
Yes, well you know Karen, we have this mutual friend called Chriss Rollins and she jolly well keeps me pretty busy. Thank you for your kind comments.
Hello Denise,
We are sooo proud of you with those bleach ones.. my receipe and instructions were ok then... we am happy about that.lol
Your header is fantastic I will learning from you to do mine.
you have done sooo well with your blog and i will answer your email re the set out of your ramblings being inbetween the pics.
we all learn something every day:)).
thanx for sharing.
chriss x dottie x
ps dont forget that bottom one has my name on it.
Thanks Chriss and oh yes, it has your name on it, maybe with a chaperone?!?!?!
oh you spoil me xxxx
Love those ATC's - must have a play with my bleach. Beats cleaning with it! I really like your header too - again I need time to play! There just aren't enought crafting hours in the day!
Love Sharon
Lovely atcs Denise. Enjoying the blog - keep it up, sounds like you are a busy lady. Regards.Denise DBX
Hello Denise
Wow - that stamp looks great with the bleach technique. You ladies are just so clever with these ATC'S! Lot of love from a freezing morning in Benoni. Rose
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