There is no time limit. Just use this image the best way you know how and most of all have fun and imagine the stories behind this photo. Yip, if only we knew!
Let your imagination run riot (you are allowed) When you have a moment let me know what you have done with this image and the others I have posted. So I am curious (I am allowed)
Have a glorious, warm week and spare a thought for those of us who are soooo freeeezing!
Warm hugs
Ooh great stuff, I love these old photos, I will have to load up some of my family......you will die laughing when you see what they did for a living, the clue is there if you look for it !!!!!!!! I will sort some in a couple of days, see ifyou can guess what they did! hehehe, Jaqi x
Could they have been politicians, Jaqi? Looking forward to this. Got some more from my Mom today, hehehe!
Oh no not politicians.....the clue is in what i have written......hehehe Jaqi
hope you are well Dottie arrived home safe But too tired to blog.
You have some fab family pictures...think you should put a note to say they cannot be used for sale or be reproduced and only used on personal art pieces.
love chriss x
have a lovely day.
chriss x
Hiya hun... I get here eventually, doing my catch up rounds again ...lol. Too much day and not enough hour IYKWIM :)
Thanks for sharing the fab photos hopefully I will be able to grab me some free time to play :)
Take care of you
Chris xx
Yep they were undertakers and wait till you see the photos they look like gangsters LOL , Jaqi x
Me seriously thinks Missy Chrissy has inside information ?!?!?
Huge hugs to you lot and thanks
the clue was in the words...you will DIE laffffin when you see what they did for a living.
cryptic clue.
chriss x
have a lovely day. xx
PS Dottie said hello xxx
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